Welcome to the Liberal Arts Undergraduate Studies (LAUS) Curriculum process!
The new Curriculum Information Management system (CIM) has launched. As of July 1, 2022, all curriculum proposals will be processed via CIM. This site outlines and streamlines the faculty’s role in proposing updates to courses, majors and programs. Each process, depending on complexity, has varying requirements. View the one-page overview of each process on the following pages.
If you do not find what you need on these pages or have information to add, email the LA Curriculum team at: lacurriculum@psu.edu.
Select the appropriate curricular program action
- Add or change an undergraduate certificate
- Add a new major, minor, option, or program
- Add a new Integrated Undergraduate-Graduate (IUG) Program
- Change a major, minor, option, or program
- Move to or Discontinue a Major, Minor, Option, or Program at given Campus
- Close an academic program
- Add, Change, or Drop a course (Including General Education)
- Offer a One-Time Course (Including General Education)